Duran Duran suddenly gaining numbers on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ballot, overtaking Eminem by 18000 votes at the time of the writing. For the latest results, click here.
While Duran Duran has a dedicated following, the current results still come as a surprise, as Duran leaves Dolly Parton and former leader Pat Betanar in the dust far behind.
The only artist whose voting numbers are comparable to Duran Duran is Eminem, who is literally one of the world’s most successful and popular artists. However, starting last week, after days going neck to neck with the British group, even Marshall began losing some ground and is currently struggling to keep up the pace.
There have been reports of BTS and Taylor Swift fans voting for Duran Duran and some FB groups using shady tactics to artificially inflate the numbers in Duran’s favor by using thousands of fake email accounts, which might explain the sudden surge in Duran’s numbers.
Thankfully though, Eminem with his huge following does not need his army of fans to resort to such tactics in order to take the number one spot in the Hall of Fame ballot, as long as his loyal fans begin voting daily, starting today.
You can visit vote.rockhall.com to cast a ballot daily. Fans will need to login to vote. Voting is capped at one ballot per day. Share your ballot, spread the word and rock the vote now until April 29th, 2022!
Standings at the time of writing: